วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Is it art or not?

‘Art’ what is the meaning of this word, can you really explain the meaning of art, may be it is hard to explain it, but you can feel and touch it by your heart.

Art in my opinion is every thing, not just only paintings or photos. Your lifestyle, how are you speaking to others people or the way how do you do something, all things you do can be art.

The question about photo and painting, which is the real art? I think that both of them can be art, for me art is things that make I have very deep and incredible feeling. It will make me impressive in that photo or painting and make me have more inspiration for doing something or to create my own work. Art can cheer you up and in the other hand it can make you sad too. Art is a very amazing thing because it can control your feeling and thinking by the way that you don’t expect it would happen to you.

About photos in Thai market and Brazil market, I think I like both of it. For some Thai people they maybe think that market is just a normal and uninteresting place, but I don’t think like that. Market is a very interesting place, full of colors and fun. Thai market has the identity of Thai and Brazil market has the identity of Brazil, there are differences between these two markets and that differences make both of them look beautiful in different way. Like painting and photo have the different beautiful and different feeling of art.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Journey to the past

"Journey To The Past"

Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back
Now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear!
Or how the world can seem so vast
On this journey...to the past

Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams Just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Fin'lly home where I belong
Well, Starting now, I'm learning fast
On this journey...to the past

Home, Love, Family
There was once a time
I must have had them too
Home, Love, Family
I will never be complete
Until I find you...

One step at a time
One hope, then another
Who knows where This road may go-
Back to who I was
On to find my future
Things my heart still Needs to know

Yes, let this be a sign!
Let, this road be mine!
Let it lead me to my past
and bring me home...At last!

Meaning of the song

On the journey to the past, I have to be brave. Courage, please don’t run away from me. I am here and can’t turn back now. They say that we have many choices in our life and you should not be afraid of that or should not care about how this world is extremely big.

I know that there is someone waiting for me, somewhere on this journey. I am dreaming for years it must not be wrong. I will be safe and happy if I finally find my home, where I belong to. So, I have to start my journey now and find the way back into my past.

Once in the past, I had home love and family like others too. I will not be complete, be full and I will not stop until I can find them, until I can find my past that I have lost for a long time.

Every step on this journey, my hope occurs then, other things come after. May be this road will bring me back to my past and also bring me to my future too, these are all my heart really wants to know.

I will think that this is a good sign for me, this road is mine and I will let it takes me to my past and let it takes me to my home.