วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young People Today

I think that the best time in most people’s life is when they were teenagers and now I’m one of many teenagers too. I like this part of my life because it’s cheerful , very interesting and I have many things to do and have a very nice dream to get.

Young people today have very high self-confidence . They have their own opinion that sometimes adults don’t understand . “Why do they dress up like that?” or “ Why don't they listen to me?” are the most poppular questions for adult, but think about the teenagers, maybe they want to ask back that why don’t you try to under stand me? You’ve not know me enough.

I know many teenagers that have very good ideas and opinions such as my friend Kristi. She has many good ideas for doing art and her opinions about Thai ecducation are good too. One teenager wrote a fantasy book named “ Finall Fantasy” and Warners Bros. bought this book to make a film. The write was just 19 when he wrote this book. I think that teenagers have a power that comes from their dreams, to get their dreams they can do every thing that is vary wonderful.

Teenagers like to be free, they don’t want anybody to take this from them. To stop teenager’s good thinking is to destroy the world’s imagination too. A World without dreams needs imaginetion….What do you think about it?

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I agreed with you now is the best time in my life. In addition, I think so about teenager want be free and they have you own opinions and ideas. However, the parents do not understand them so the teenager are not listen to adult because they want to do follow their own opinions that is why most teenager do not follow parents.

First!! กล่าวว่า...

I like your opinion. I think that your opinion is true. I have one example, it’s “you”, because you have your own opinion and have very high self-confidence. I agree with you, this is my best time in my life. You say that adults don’t understand, but I guess that some of them try to understand you or every teenagers. Your writing is a positive thinking that I like to read. You should cheerful like you wrote. Every dreaming and every opinion make teenager don’t listen or agree with adults too.