วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

I’ve got very special parents. They always listen to me and try to understand and respect my opinion, some of parent doesn’t respect or listen to their kid’s thinking.

My mother always knows what I’m thinking or what I going to do.She always thinks in positive way, when I had some problem with my friend, she would tell me to not get angry with my friend and helped me to solve the problem. She had never told that who was right, but she would tell me that I and my friend were both wrong and gave me some reason of my mistake. My mother don’t like teenagers that dress up too sexy, she think that this is not suitable for their age and people who see them dress up too sexy will think that they are bad, even if they are good teenagers.

My father is very clever and he has very high self-confidence, so it’s very hard to change his opinion or his belief. My mother said that most people who were very clever would have very high self-confidence like my father and it was very hard to change their thinking. My father thinks that Thai’s education system is bad, he doesn’t like the way of this system that make many students have to study harder and they have a racing of study for get into a famous university. He told me that they did like students were computer that you could put in information and ordered them to remember all of it.

I always respect my parent’s opinions and I often agree with their thinking. They always like and support my imagination. This is the best part of their opinion, they think that everybody has freedom to thinking, new ideas and imaginations make this world beautiful.

วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My feeling when I did important thing

About 3 or 4 months ago, I had the AFS test. AFS is an organization for students who want to go to study in other countries around the world such as England. You have to pass their test and their interview, so you could go to that country.

The reason that made me joined this test was my friends asked me to go with them and I thought I would try to do it and to practice English on that test. The first part of the test was grammar. There were lots of choice to do, some were very hard and made me very confused, but some of them were very easy for me. While I did my test, I didn’t worry about if i could I pass this test, I just thought that I would do my best. That was enough for me and even if I couldn’t pass this test I would not be sorry.

When I knew that I passed the grammar part, I was very surprised and very proud, I was very excited about the interview part that would happen in 2 weeks. On that day I was very nervous and a little bit worried about talking in English. Finally, I finished my interview part by be myself and was be as cheerful as possible, I did my best on this part too.

After the interview passed, I was very nervous and worried about my AFS last part test. I decided to go to Brazil, I didn’t tell my father about this, he only knew that I joined the AFS test, but he didn’t know that I wanted to go to Brazil. When I knew that I passed the interview part and I got a chance to go to Brazil, I was very excited, more excited than the first time that I had passed the grammar test. I was very happy, I felt like I could climb up a very huge mountain and finally, I could get to the top of that mountain, a very wonderful feeling. This was one of the best exciting and incredible things in my life.

Finally, when I told my father about this and asked him that could I go to Brazil on AFS, he just said “No, it’s too dangerous for you.” That made me very sad and disappointed, because I’ve lost my dream that I could get it by my own English ability. That made me sad for a long time.

วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

World's culture

Culture is an important part to show a country’s opinions and beliefs. We can learn about that country from their culture. The most important thing that I have learned from culture is everybody has different opinions because they have different cultures.

I respect every culture and I think that every culture has their own identity that makes it wonderful, very honored and special. Different cultures make people have different lives, thinking and different food, these make me want to know more about the world’s culture.

Cultures are changing every day, but some people still believe in their old culture. When they see young people do things that are not suitable or are different from their old culture or what they believe in, they will think that this is wrong. For the young people or adults who understand that cultures are changing now, they will agree with today’s culture because they know that everybody has different opinions and have rights to believe and do in what they want to do, but they must do it in the way without hurting or annoying other people.

Culture makes every country have different things and have very special identities. These make the world not too boring and make me have many things to find out about different cultures. Different opinions, ways or life styles can make a lot of wonderful ideas and things.

วันพุธที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expect for me

Everybody in this world wants to be a good person and societies expect everyone to be good people too, but no one has only a good side they still have a bad side too.

At school, teachers want us to be good students or do our work on time. This is Thai style, students should respect their teachers, follow and trust what teachers say. Students must do what the teacher wants, not what they want to do, they have to do like this, even if they don’t want to do it. Parents also want their kids to be good girls and boys too, they often say “Don’t do that.” or “Don’t do this.” For kids this kind of speech makes them want to do things that parents say “Don’t” to. I do not like this style, students or kids have the right to do and think on their way, but they must not do bad things. Everybody has different opinions, we have rights to think and no one could stop you thinking. I still trust in what my teachers or parent say, but I will do it, or not, it’s up to me.

Not only parents or teachers expect you to be a good person, but your friends expect you to be a good person too. They want you to be a good friend, caring and sharing every moment with them, but sometimes we need to have our own space or own time and want to stay away from everybody and also friends too.

No one can live alone, even if you are a god, he still has Adam and to Eve be his friends. In this society there are a lot of different opinions from different people we should respect their opinion and try to understand others thinking and follow the right way that doesn’tt hurt anybody and yourself. I don't know what good person means, but I will still be myself, that is good for me.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

The first time to know...me.

Hello! My name is Googee (it’s a kind of Hornbill). I’m 15 years old. I’m a part of many teenagers in this world, but I don’t want to be like the other girls and boys, I want to be like this….be myself. I prefer to travel, take photos of beautiful things and to use my imagination for doing everything. My dream is to study in Industrial Design, Product Design, Chulalongkorn University. I’m worried about the university Entrance exam because I must get high marks to study in Chulalongkorn University. I have got only three years to prepare myself and to study harder. Oh! It’s too serious now, I should change my topic.

I love to talk and chat with my friends and always laugh and talk loudly, especially when I’m happy or listening to funny stories. If you meet me outside school, you will think that I’m a girl who won’t talk to anybody because I’m too shy, such a strange person, right? On every holiday I travel with my family. I have been to every part of Thailand…North, South, East and West, but I prefer to go to the North of Thailand. My favorite place is Walking Street, Chaing Mai, this is a local shopping street. At this street there are a lot of souvenirs and a lot of new ideas for me.

Now, you know just a little bit of me but if you want to know more, please! Please! Please! Come to visit my blog.

Young People Today

I think that the best time in most people’s life is when they were teenagers and now I’m one of many teenagers too. I like this part of my life because it’s cheerful , very interesting and I have many things to do and have a very nice dream to get.

Young people today have very high self-confidence . They have their own opinion that sometimes adults don’t understand . “Why do they dress up like that?” or “ Why don't they listen to me?” are the most poppular questions for adult, but think about the teenagers, maybe they want to ask back that why don’t you try to under stand me? You’ve not know me enough.

I know many teenagers that have very good ideas and opinions such as my friend Kristi. She has many good ideas for doing art and her opinions about Thai ecducation are good too. One teenager wrote a fantasy book named “ Finall Fantasy” and Warners Bros. bought this book to make a film. The write was just 19 when he wrote this book. I think that teenagers have a power that comes from their dreams, to get their dreams they can do every thing that is vary wonderful.

Teenagers like to be free, they don’t want anybody to take this from them. To stop teenager’s good thinking is to destroy the world’s imagination too. A World without dreams needs imaginetion….What do you think about it?